How to create modern gaming template in Photoshop

Today i will explain how to create a modern gaming template with Photoshop. Next two tutorials will be about how to slice this model gaming template design into HTML5 template, and after that one i gonna show you how to make a WordPress theme from that HTML5 template. So just try to follow all steps and you will have gaming website design.


1. Let’s start with creating a new document (mine is 1024 x 1200 px) and fill it with light grey (#e3e3e3)

2. Create a new layer. Using the Marquee Tool (M) draw a rectangle as shown in the picture and fill it with any color.

3. Add gradient overlay layer style with the settings below:

4. Now create a new layer, grab the Pencil Tool and holding shift draw a white 1 px horizontal line just below the rectangle we just created.

5. In the new layer draw another rectangle, the same size as before, position it below the white line:

6. Fill the newly crealted rectangle with white color, then add some noise to it. From the menu choose Filter > Noise > Add noise and choose the settings shown below:

7. Draw a selection at the bottom of rectangle, go to Select > Modify > Feather, enter about 50 px and hit ‘delete’.

8. Now change the layer blending mode from Normal to Multiply and opacity to 25%

9. Create a rectangle where you want your footer to be and fill it with grey (#414141)

10. Duplicate the layer and fill it with black (#000000)

11. Add noise filter again with these settings:

12. Now change the layer blending mode to multiply and opacity to15%. Your image now should look something like this:


1. Insert a photo of any size where you want your image carousel to be and add a 5px stroke of white color inside it:

Now we’ll create buttons for image switching and menu

2. Create a white circle and fill it with white (#FFFFFF)

3. Create a new layer and draw a smaller circle inside the white one and fill it with black:

4. Apply Gaussian Blur (Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur) to it for about 5 px. Set the layer opacity to 30%

5. Now select half of the circle with Rectangular Marquee Tool, feather the selection for about 10 px and hit delete:

6. Create a triangle with Polygon Tool (set sides to 3) in the center of the circle, smooth the edges if you want to and add Drop Shadow, Inner Shadow and Gradient Overlay layer styles as shown below:

7. Create a new group by clicking small icon on top right of layers pallete and choose New Group.

8. Drag the newly created button layers into the new group folder, the right click ir and choose Duplicate Group.

9. From menu choose Edit > Transform > Flip Horizontal and drag the new group to the other side of the photo. Your image now should look like this:

10. Duplicate the button group again, choose Edit > Transform > Scale or just hit Ctrl+T and enter 50% in the width and height fields on top of the screen. Also make sure the Lock Aspect Ratio icon is seleted.

11. Turn of the triangle layer, create a new circle, fill it with light grey (#cccccc) ant apply Inner Shadow to it. Then duplicate the group 3 times and position new elements side by side:

12. Create a new layer in one of the groups we’ve just created, draw a smaller circle inside the bigger one and fill it with any color. Then copy the layer style (Drop Shadow, Inner Shadow and Gradient Overlay) from the triangle of button group, and paste it onto newly created circle. To do so, simple select the triangle layer, right click it, choose Copy Layer Style, then select circle layer, right click > Paste Layer Style. Now we have nice indicators under the image carousel:

13. Create a new layer on top of all layers, then select Rounded Rectangle Tool, enter 10 px Radius in the top panel and draw a rectangle. It will be your menu button. Now Grandient Overlay it from #2f2f2f to #0c0c0c and add Bevel and Emboss filter. Position it on top of the document.

14. Create a new layer. Select top half of the button with the Rectangular Marquee Tool and fill the selection with white. Now Choose Layer > Create Clipping Mask or press Alt+Ctrl+G to hide the edges we don’t need. Change the layer blending mode to overlay and opacity to 45%. Add text and the button is done. Select all layers and hit Ctrl+G to add them to group. Duplicate group, to have multiple buttons. You may also want to change Gradient overlay colors on one of them, to have an active button. See bellow:


1. Add heading text and fill it with green (#81be00). I’ve used Myriad Pro font.

2. With Text Tool selected draw a text block and add your text. My font is Tahoma 11 pt.:

3. Duplicate the menu button and drag it bellow your text. Now we’ll add some enhancements to it.

4. Select Rounded Rectangle Tool with Radius of 15 px and draw a rectangle around your button.

5. Set fill with 0% and add Inner Shadow layer style with following settings:

6. Create new layer and drag ir bellow the layer you’ve just created. Now select the top layer and press Ctrl+E or choose Layer > Merge Down. Now add a nice shadow:

7. You can also copy the arrow button from the header, scale it and drag it onto the button to have more detailed look.

8. Add all content layers to the group (select all layers and press Ctrl+G), duplite it two times and position under the header photo:

9. Insert a photo about half size of the header image, and add a Stroke layer style as shown in first step of header part, but this time use 6 px.

10. Create a new layer bellow and merge down, as described in 6th step.

11. Add another Stroke. This time use 1 px and light grey color (#d9d9d9).

12. Create a new layer bellow photo layer, select Polygonal Lasso Tool and draw a triangle, where you want your shadow to be. Fill it with black:

13. Blur the layer (Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur) about 3-4px and set the opacity to 15%

14. Duplicate layer, choose Edit > Transform > Flip Horizontal and position it to the other side of photo.

15. Add some text bellow thumbnail.

16. Again, add the layers to the group, dulicate, and drag it to the right to create another thumbnail:


1. Add headings and text, to create 3 columns. We’ll be working on the middle one. Again, I’ve used Myriad Pro font, with small shadow:

2. Create a rectangle with Rounded Rectangle Tool, and 15 px radius. Fill it with dark grey (#424242) and add Bevel And Emboss layer style:

3. Add white text and copy an arrow button from the content area. The form field should look like this:

4. Add another heading and some social networking (or any others) icons. I’ve used free icons from

5. Select Rounded Rectangle Tool, create a rectangle around the form field, in the layers palette set fill to 0% and add Inner Shadow with these settings:

6. Duplicate layer and position it above icons:

7. Again, duplicate the layer and change it’s Inner shadow Angle setting to -90.

8. Now duplicate it two more times and position each layer bellow 3 footer colums:

That’s it! You can add logo or some other details on it, if you want to. And this is the final result I came up with:

P.S.: Please note, that almost for any step for new element, I’ve created a new layer. So don’t get lost.


Merchant is a responsive portfolio, personal or business theme with a homepage that is truly flexible thanks to the Woo Component widgets. With JS Masonry, some advanced layout controls to set the site width and a header that can be fixed or floated next to the site you can really have some fun customising it.

Unique Features

  • Fully Responsive Design

    The design will scale to fit on all browser widths/resolutions and on all mobile devices. Go ahead and scale your browser window and see the results.

  • Custom Homepage

    In addition to the multiple sliders, the theme consists of a customized widetized homepage where you can add and re-order the included custom components (Slider, Intro, Features, Portfolio, Feedback, Promotions, Content, Blog) with the Woo Components widget.

  • Multiple Sliders

    A custom homepage featured slider is available to showcase your important content, all powered by the fully responsive FlexSlider, which makes it usable on mobile devices. You can put images or videos in the slider posts, and link the slider posts to another page or website. You can even have multiple sliders on the homepage thanks to the Woo Components widget documented above – just drag and drop multiple sliders into the homepage widgetized region.

  • Advanced Layout Controls

    The “Layout Options” give you a vast array of customizability allowing you to “Float” the Header – – or you can also have it “Fixed” so it scrolls with the site. The floated header is also responsive, so if there’s no space for it to float, it drops back to the header section in the standard layout. You can also set the content width of your site (dynamically calculating the width for the floating header

  • Powerful portfolio management

    The portfolio section of Merchant is powered by it’s own custom post type with a summary of your portfolio viewable on the homepage module and then it’s own portfolio page template to house the rest.

  • JS Masonry

    The Features, Blog and Portfolio sections on the homepage are cleverly lined up bricks-and-mortar fashion for a perfectly fluid layout that adapts as your browser width changes.

  • Custom Typography

    You can customize the typography in the theme to suit, and there is full support for Google Fonts in the font selector. By default it is using theSignika font.

  • Custom Widgets

    In addition to the widgetized homepage and the custom module widget, the theme has 1 widgetized sidebar and up to 4 footer widgetized areas, and as always comes with custom Woo Widgets (Ad Space, Blog Author, Video/Embed, WooTabs, Subscribe & Connect, Search, Flickr and Twitter).

  • Styling Options

    The theme includes a variation of alternative styles which you can preview in the demo, and also has styling options for background color/image and setting link and button color.

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SMPL is a robust, responsive business theme with a clean, modular design. With integrated styling for WooCommerce you can enable e-commerce shop facilities out of the box, or enable later with the re-assurance that your site can scale with your business’s growth.

Unique Features

  • Responsive design

    Possibly the best feature of SMPL is it’s device agnostic design. That means whether you’re viewing the theme on your desktop, your tablet or your smartphone, it responds and adapts delivering an optimised design for that device.

  • Custom Homepage

    The homepage is full of options and has it’s own sidebar to place widgets in. Configure your unique introduction copy, display content from your blog & Twitter feed, enable your featured slider and portfolio modules, add widgets and display featured / recent products from your store.

  • Featured Slider

    A custom homepage featured slider to showcase your important content, all powered by the fully responsive FlexSlider, which makes it usable on mobile devices. There is also a normal width slider option in addition to the full width as seen in the demo. You can put images or videos in the slider posts, and link the slider posts to another page or website.

  • Customisability

    There are several colour schemes built into SMPL ensuring there is a look to match your brand identity. Choose between 12 alternate styles.

  • Portfolio Facilities

    Highlight your best work using the portfolio module, powered by it’s own custom post type. Then display your latest portfolio items on the homepage and all of them on their dedicated page template.

  • WooCommerce Goodness

    As you’d expect, SMPL makes full use of all of WooCommerce features. We’ve painstakingly married theme and plugin to provide a seamless front-end experience. Every single one of WooCommerce widgets has been lovingly styled to match the beautiful design, as has each key component of the plugin such as the product categories, product descriptions, cart, checkout and user account sections. Read all about the benefits of WooCommerce here.

  • Shortcodes

    We’ve included two custom shortcodes in SMPL. A sticky note which you can use to highlight a message on your site, a sale banner to notify users when you’re running special offers and an easy way of displaying ‘mini-features’ – columns of content accented by iconography.

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If you are a blogger that likes to put focus on your content, then Drawar might be the right theme for you. With the optional top intro section, you can show your readers more of what they come for, which is your blog posts. Being fully responsive, it will also give your readers a good experience on mobile devices.

Unique Features

  • Fully Responsive Design

    The design will scale to fit on all browser widths/resolutions and on all mobile devices. Go ahead and scale your browser window and see the results.

  • Introduction Area

    Drawar has an optional top introduction area which is collapsible, so you can put more focus on your content. The top bar will stick to the top as you scroll down for easy access.

  • Custom Search

    We’ve added some extra search filtering capabilities, so your visitors can narrow down their searches to exactly what they are looking for.

  • Custom Typography

    You can customize the typography in the theme to suit, and there is full support for Google Fonts in the font selector. By default it is using theSignika font.

  • Custom Widgets

    In addition to the widgetized homepage and the custom module widget, the theme has 1 widgetized sidebar and up to 3 footer widgetized areas, and as always comes with custom Woo Widgets (Ad Space, Blog Author, WooTabs, Subscribe & Connect, Search, Flickr and Twitter).

  • Styling Options

    The theme includes a variation of alternative styles which you can preview in the demo, and also has styling options for background color/image and setting link and button color.

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Sentient is a smart, innovative WooCommerce theme. Products are cleverly aligned using jQuery masonry allowing you to cleanly showcase a great number of products on your shop pages without any wasted space. Sentient has also been fully optimised for use on mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones.

Unique Features

  • Responsive design

    Possibly the best feature of Sentient is it’s device agnostic design. That means whether you’re viewing the theme on your desktop, your tablet or your smartphone, it responds and adapts delivering an optimised design for that device.

  • Masonry

    We’ve been fans of the jQuery Masonry plugin for some time, and with WooCommerce the perfect opportunity arose to smartly implement it. Products are cleverly lined up bricks-and-mortar fashion and there’s an option to make all shop pages true-full-width to take advantage of this nifty feature.

  • WooCommerce Goodness

    As you’d expect, Sentient makes full use of all of WooCommerce features. We’ve painstakingly married theme and plugin to provide a seamless front-end experience. Every single one of WooCommerce widgets has been lovingly styled to match the beautiful design, as has each key component of the plugin such as the product categories, product descriptions, cart, checkout and user account sections. Read all about the benefits of WooCommerce here.

  • Customisability

    There are several colour schemes built into Sentient ensuring there is a look to match your brand identity.

  • Custom Homepage

    The homepage is full of options. Choose whether to display content from a recent blog post or page, how many recent, featured or best selling products to showcase and in which format, grid or slider. On top of that there’s a handy widgetised region and a simple call to action beneath the products inviting your users into the main shop section of your online store.

  • Shortcodes

    We’ve included two custom shortcodes in Sentient. A sticky note which you can use to highlight a message on your site and a sale banner to notify users when you’re running special offers.

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Whitelight was designed by Chris Rowe, with the aims to set a new standard on our business theme line-up. It features a clean and responsive design, customized modular homepage, portfolio functionality that we all love and integrated WooCommerce goodness (child theme) for your e-commerce needs.

Unique Features

  • Fully Responsive Design

    The design will scale to fit on all browser widths/resolutions and on all mobile devices. Go ahead and scale your browser window and see the results.

  • Featured Slider

    A custom homepage featured slider to showcase your important content, all powered by the fully responsive FlexSlider, which makes it usable on mobile devices. There is also a normal width slider option in addition to the full width as seen in the demo. You can put images or videos in the slider posts, and link the slider posts to another page or website.

  • Custom Homepage

    In addition to the featured slider, the theme has an optional Intro Message area and also a customized widetized homepage where you can add and re-order the included custom components (Features, Portfolio, Blog Area, WooCommerce) with the Woo Components widget.

  • Powerful portfolio management

    The portfolio section of Whitelight is powered by it’s own custom post type with a summary of your portfolio viewable on the homepage module and then it’s own portfolio page template to house the rest.

  • WooCommerce Goodness

    Whitelight is compatible with WooCommerce through the Whitelight WooCommerce child theme. Read all about the benefits of WooCommerce here.

  • Custom Typography

    You can customize the typography in the theme to suit, and there is full support for Google Fonts in the font selector. By default it is using theSignika font.

  • Custom Widgets

    In addition to the widgetized homepage and the custom module widget, the theme has 1 widgetized sidebar and up to 4 footer widgetized areas, and as always comes with custom Woo Widgets (Ad Space, Blog Author, Video/Embed, WooTabs, Subscribe & Connect, Search, Flickr and Twitter).

  • Styling Options

    The theme includes a variation of alternative styles which you can preview in the demo, and also has styling options for background color/image and setting link and button color.

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Unsigned is a hugely powerful, cleverly developed, yet super easy theme to use for musicians and bands looking to showcase their music, tours, photos, videos and band members all from within WordPress. It even allows you to sell your albums and merchandise thanks to the WooCommerce integration. It truly is a massive theme that will cover your every need.

Unique Features

  • Fully Responsive Design

    The design will scale to fit on all browser widths/resolutions and on all mobile devices. Go ahead and scale your browser window and see the results.

  • Custom Homepage

    The homepage is one hugely flexible layout powered by widgets and theme options  that allow you to enable/disable each and every module. You can really create whatever layout you like, highlighting only your most important information to grab your site visitors attention.

  • Events Module

    Caters for the management and listing of events (gigs, festivals, etc). Events can be grouped into categories (club, concert, gig, festival, etc) and tours. An event’s status (upcoming, right now, past) is determined by it’s start and end date/time. It’s also possible to select one of these types for display in the Woo – Events admin, making it easier to view snapshots of your events calendar.

  • Discography Module

    Discography is where the artist manages their album releases. Albums can be sorted into categories and comprise a cover image, unique catalog ID and a release date. Each album has an audio player facility, which uses tracks that are uploaded directly when adding or editing an album. The tracks can be re-ordered and managed using native WordPress lightbox windows. You can then link WooCommerce products to albums allowing you to sell your albums easily on your site!

  • Photos Galleries Module

    Photos is where the artist manages their photo galleries. Galleries can be sorted into categories and comprise a cover image and photo management section. The photo management section is a clear and easy to use box in the admin that allows for the quick uploading, management (re-ordering, etc) and inclusion of images in the gallery. This is then applied on both the gallery detail screen and the Woo – Photos widget.

  • Videos Module

    Videos is where the artist manages their embedded videos from YouTube, Vimeo, etc. Videos can be sorted into categories and comprise an optional posterframe and an embed code field.

  • Featured Slider

    As has become a favourite within our themes, Unsigned includes Woo – Slides. This module displays a large background image on the homepage, as well as a slider content area above the content on the homepage. When navigating through the slider, the background image fades to the appropriate image.

  • Soundcloud Integration

    Woo – SoundCloud is a bridge between Unsigned and SoundCloud. When a username is specified, the system connects to SoundCloud and retrieves the user’s tracks and playlists. These two content types are outputted via a Woo – SoundCloud – Playlist widget for specific playlists and a Woo – SoundCloud Tracks widget to display individual players for specific tracks.

  • WooCommerce Goodness

    Unsigned makes full use of WooCommerce allowing bands.musicians to sell their albums and other merchandise. We’ve painstakingly married the theme and plugin to provide a seamless front-end experience. Every single one of WooCommerce widgets has been lovingly styled to match the beautiful design, as has each key component of the plugin such as the product categories, product descriptions, cart, checkout and user account sections. Read all about the benefits of WooCommerce here.

  • Custom typography

    You can customize the typography in the theme to suit, and there is full support for Google Fonts in the font selector. By default it is using the Bitterfont.

  • Custom widgets

    The theme has a Homepage widgetized region (on install it comes pre-populated with the default modules that you can then overwrite), 1 widgetized sidebar and up to 4 footer widgetized areas. In the demo we’ve used our powerful sidebar manager to then overwrite the default sidebar widgetized region with a unique sidebar for the homepage. This is entirely possible for you to do with any widgetized region. This theme comes with a wealth of custom Woo Widgets like an Album, Events, Galleries, Photos, Soundcloud, and videos widgets, as well as the usual custom Woo Widgets (Ad Space, Blog Author, Embed/Video, WooTabs, Subscribe & Connect, Search, Flickr and Twitter). WooCommerce also includes an array of custom widgets.

  • Styling Options

    The theme includes a default dark style, as well as light style which you can preview in the demo, it and also has styling options for the transparency of modules, background color/image and setting link and button color.

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Shelflife is a clean, e-commerce focussed theme with a homepage dedicated to featured, popular and recent products with dedicated spaces for mini-features and promotions powered by their own custom post types, as well as a widgetized sidebar and footer regions.

Unique Features

  • Fully Responsive Design

    The design will scale to fit on all browser widths/resolutions and on all mobile devices. Go ahead and scale your browser window and see the results.

  • WooCommerce Goodness

    Shelflife makes full use of WooCommerce and we’ve painstakingly married theme and plugin to provide a seamless front-end experience. Every single one of WooCommerce widgets has been lovingly styled to match the beautiful design, as has each key component of the plugin such as the product categories, product descriptions, cart, checkout and user account sections. Read all about the benefits of WooCommerce here.

  • Custom Homepage

    The homepage contains three option product showcase areas; a featured product carousel, as well as two intuitive sliders for displaying new and best selling products.

  • Custom typography

    You can customize the typography in the theme to suit, and there is full support for Google Fonts in the font selector. By default it is using the Bitterfont.

  • Custom widgets

    The theme has 1 widgetized sidebar and up to 4 footer widgetized areas, and as always comes with custom Woo Widgets (Ad Space, Blog Author, Embed/Video, WooTabs, Subscribe & Connect, Search, Flickr and Twitter). WooCommerce also includes an array of custom widgets.

  • Styling Options

    The theme includes a variation of alternative styles which you can preview in the demo, and also has styling options for background color/image and setting link and button color.

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Olya is a colorful, versatile business portfolio theme, all the while its layout being completely responsive. It is packaged with an informative homepage template with loads of optional modules, as well as a custom team archive and contact page. A portfolio section is available to highlight noteworthy work.

Unique Features

  • Fully Responsive Design

    The design will scale to fit on all browser widths/resolutions and on all mobile devices. Go ahead and scale your browser window and see the results.

  • Custom homepage

    With Olya your homepage can house a wealth of information all stored as modules that can be enabled/disabled including a slider, portfolio, mini-features,blog and widgetized regions.

  • Featured slider

    A custom, optional homepage featured slider to showcase noteworthy content or even your portfolio, all powered by it’s own custom post type and the fully responsive FlexSlider, which makes it usable on mobile devices.

  • Powerful portfolio management

    The portfolio section of Olya is powered by it’s own custom post type with a summary of your portfolio viewable on the homepage and then it’s own page template to house the rest. Navigate through portfolio items with a neat navigation system on the single portfolio items and a slider to view portfolio imagery.

  • Custom contact & team pages

    Your contact page can display a Google Map location, an address, a latest tweet, as well as the usual WooThemes contact form. A team page is also available to display your WordPress authors of the site with quick links to view each author’s blog archives and their social links.

  • Custom typography

    You can customize the typography in the theme to suit, and there is full support for Google Fonts in the font selector. By default it is using Lobster,Droid Sans and Droid Serif.

  • Custom widgets

    The theme has 1 widgetized sidebar and up to 4 footer widgetized areas, and as always comes with custom Woo Widgets (Ad Space, Blog Author, Video/Embed, WooTabs, Subscribe & Connect, Search, Flickr and Twitter).

  • Alternative styles

    The theme includes a variation of alternative styles which you can preview in the demo, and also has styling options for background color/image and setting link and button color.

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