Headlines continues where our old magazine themes left off. It has tons of requested features like featured area, social bookmarks, author highlighting, flexible layout to name a few. It’s the perfect platform to launch your magazine or blog and reach out to the world!
- Featured jQuery tabber/slider area above normal posts to showcase your favorite posts. Can be static or set to slide automatically with built in options.
- Show your latest tweet in the header (instead of 468×60 ad space)
- A custom social bookmark option at the bottom of single posts to share your writings with ease!
- A nice Author box widget on single posts
- Cufon font replacement makes all titles look smooth (can be disabled)
- 4 different ad spaces (header, post content, sidebar and footer) and 4 different ad sizes (468×60 top, 200×200 content, 300×250 and 125×125 widgets). Show your adsense code or a image ad.
- Very flexible layout, so you can easily change sidebar position, image position in post etc.
- Custom Woo Widgets for use in sidebar and footer: Flickr, Video Player, Author, Search, 300×250 ad, 125×125 ad (max 6)
- 15 stylish alternate colour schemes to choose from + NEW! Custom color picker for top background color and link/button color