You have already started blogging and seems that you don’t really get views that much. You tried to check out other blogs. The dates are about the same week as yours but they are getting more views. If you are in that scenario, you should consider rethinking about your methods in blogging.
There are some strategies that you could use so that you can get more views without really trying too hard. These are three strategies that are simple and doable. You may try all if you like. You might be able to read more strategies online. However, when you try to think about, they still mean the same thing as these three.
1. Know your target audience. This is a very important strategy for all writers online or not. Knowing your audience will help you select the tone of your writing and what you are writing about. Not all age groups have similar interests. Knowing your target audience will help you gather more information about the topic that would suit their interest and gain their attention. This will also help you make up catchy titles that will immediately catch the attention of your readers. You can also provide appropriate pictures and backgrounds that will help set the mood your blog.
2. Read blogs related to your topic and leave a comment. Leaving a comment on someone else’s blogs is not really a loss on your part. It is actually an advantage for you because you are leaving your mark. You also get to know what others think which will help you in doing your next blog. Considering the thoughts that you’ve read on the other comments, you will be able to come up with a blog that will catch their attention and fill in the something that might be missing from that other blog. You can do this efficiently by joining blogging communities and sites that have online forums.
3. Maximize technology. Social media and e-mails already a part of your daily life. Once in a while you log in to your account and do your stuff. Make it a habit to share your blog link through these sites. Your friends and contacts can also share the link for your site. Always remember that in marketing, your first prospects should be your family and friends since they are the most immediate customers you can approach. You can also use your phone. Some of your contacts don’t really have your e-mail or are not a part of your social media account. You can send a group message and share to them about your blog.
You don’t really need to get stressed out about your blogging. Blogging is there to help you release the stress by doing a writing therapy. It lets you release what is on your mind. It also lets you enjoy the beauty of writing.